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Welcome to Wincham Investments Ltd

Four Dynamic Businesses in One.

Wincham Property Consultancy

Offers a bespoke Property Finding service encompassing all of the processes involved in acquiring Spanish property. Our aim is to maximise our Clients opportunity by providing a service second to none. We also have a solution that removes the 7% purchase Tax in Spain when buying a resale property and saves the 3% withholding Tax to the Seller too.
For further information please click HERE.

Wincham IHT

We are committed to helping Clients at every stage of their foreign ownership including a tailor made service that will completely remove Spanish Inheritance Tax. Whether you already own a property in Spain, are thinking of buying in the future or are in the process of purchasing, then we have a solution that will safeguard yourself, your Heirs and your Beneficiaries from Inheritance Tax in Spain for good. Unfortunately most owners or purchasers of property in Spain are informed a Spanish Will shall simply do, but this only deals with the issue when there is a death and does not remove the problem. In many cases Spanish Lawyers and Accountants will recommend that the owners do complete a Spanish Will, whilst this may make the Probate procedure easier it has no effect on Taxation in Spain or the UK, and therefore is no solution to IHT in general. Wincham supply a service that we believe is the only legal way of truly safeguarding your assets against Spanish Inheritance Tax. For further information and to request your FREE illustration of your potential IHT Liability please click HERE.

Wincham Property Shop

We provide a no frills, no fuss residential sales service in selling both UK and Spanish homes. Taking the best traditional marketing methods and combining them with the latest technology we ensure we maximise every marketing opportunity for our clients.
For further information please click HERE

Wincham Property Lettings

Using our skills and experience we offer a first class residential Lettings service both in the UK and Spain. The service offers Landlords that rare combination of professionalism and approachability, which provides them with full confidence in Letting their property.
For further information please click HERE.

With a host of satisfied clients we pride ourselves on our customer service, this is demonstrated by the high volume of repeat business we enjoy.


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